Symphony No.7 a major, op.92

Beethoven called the Seventh its best symphony. It amazes with a striking fusion of heroic and dancing genre. If in the Fifth symphony the composer contemplates about struggling with fate, in the Seventh he cheers together with the winners (the historic background here is the turning point during Napoleonic wars). One can’t help but think that the Seventh (apart from being beautiful as such) is a necessary step to the final of the Ninth symphony, the famous “Ode to joy”.


By its participation in the BEET250VEN on-line festival, the Digital Orchestra by Golikov, probably one of the most ambitious orchestra projects of 2020, goes down in history. The cross-border musical ensemble consists of like-minded musicians who are ready to experiment with musical and performing forms and go outside the established framework. The orchestra received the status of the festival resident and will perform Beethoven’s symphonies in modern interpretation.


The Seventh symphony will be performed in the Saint Petersburg mansion of Palma society built about one hundred and fifty years ago. The mansion has a diverse story behind: in different times it hosted a chess club, a benefit fund, a library, a lecture hall and a ball hall, as well as many workshops. One and a half centuries later, Palma regained not only its name and exterior, but also its creative element.


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Gladys Arana

Disfrutando con estas presentaciones,agradeciéndoles por el envío. Me traspasan el alma, todas las emociones me envuelven dándome VIDA en esta trágica época. GRACIAS!!!

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