Symphony No.9 D minor, op.125

Symphony No.9 is a bright final of Beethoven’s creative path and a convincing proof of victory of a genius over physical weakness. In 1824 Beethoven was almost completely deaf, and after the first performance of the Ninth symphony one of the concert soloists had to turn the composer to the public so that he could see how the audience was applauding. The final of the Ninth symphony, famous “Ode to Joy” on the verse of Schiller is the anthem of the European Union, with the words and melody that people join in the whole world.


By its participation in the BEET250VEN on-line festival, the Digital Orchestra by Golikov, probably one of the most ambitious orchestra projects of 2020, goes down in history. The cross-border musical ensemble consists of like-minded musicians who are ready to experiment with musical and performing forms and go outside the established framework. The orchestra received the status of the festival resident and will perform Beethoven’s symphonies in modern interpretation.


The Ninth symphony of Beethoven will be played from different parts of the world: during the concert Digital Orchestra by Golikov will perform it in the Russian Ethnography Museum in Saint Petersburg, the choire Digital Chor, comprising the best professional choir singers of Berlin will be in the EMIL BERLINER STUDIOS recording studio in Berlin, and members of the amateur students’ choir also performing in the final will be in 27 different locations symbolic for the European Union. The EMIL BERLINER STUDIOS named after the inventor of gramophone and gramophone records can boast rich history and provides reference conditions for recording acoustic music.


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Very vivid and fresh interpretation. Thank you for the Initiative and realisation!





Waldemar Oleksiak

Thank you .Bravo !

Angel Sanchez

excelent production, very accurate ensemble and magnificent interpretation by Golikov, Bravissimo!!


Bambastisch! Bravo!



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