Symphony No.5 C minor, op.67

If we ask a random person about the music that Beethoven wrote, most likely they will try to describe or sing the four measures that the Fifth symphony starts with. It is like “fate knocking at the door”, said about them the composer himself. The Fifth symphony, which the composer worked on for more than three years, is focused on relations between human and destiny, fate, or doom. By the way, the opening motif of the symphony gained a symbolic status and is broadly used in this quality not only in academic, but also in mass culture, including cinema, television, and commercials.


By its participation in the BEET250VEN on-line festival, the Digital Orchestra by Golikov, probably one of the most ambitious orchestra projects of 2020, goes down in history. The cross-border musical ensemble consists of like-minded musicians who are ready to experiment with musical and performing forms and go outside the established framework. The orchestra received the status of the festival resident and will perform Beethoven’s symphonies in modern interpretation.


The Fifth symphony will be performed in a unique art space – the Museum of Street Art in Saint Petersburg. Inside the museum premises, factory architecture overlaps with street art, which consistently remains sensitive about acute society problems. The museum unites creative, non-trivial people who sincerely love art of any format – in one word, Beethoven’s Fifth symphony will fit in well here.

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excellent quality of performers, arrangement and setting !




Beethoven! Bambastisch.. браво Operator.. creative Director, fantastisch!


IBAN: DE65 2005 0550 1237 1367 65 HASPA

Meßmer, Franz Dipl.Ing.(FH)

Ungewöhnlich der Ort, eine Kunststoff-Fabrik, wo es St.Pet wahrlich nicht an hochkarätigen Theatern, Foren, Konzertsälen mangelt, viele durch heimische Komponisten "geadelt". Unvergesslich eine Balett-Aufführung (oder was opernhaftes, ich habe es vergessen) in der Eremitage. Schon der Erwerb der Tickets ein Abenteuer. Agenturen stets weit in der Stadt, schon geschlossen. Im Garderobenbereich spreche ich fast verzweifelt eine Balerina an, die dort schnell ein Getränk hinunterkippt. Sie lächelt, greift in ihr Seidentäschchen, zwei Ticktes, 65,€ nein keine Rubel, bar. Die Pause im sanften Kerzen Licht der Luster des Foyers, auf einer, beide Gebäudetrakte verbindenden Brücke, zu beiden Seiten die Sprossen-Fenster-Wände den Blick auf das darunter fließende Wasser freigebend, ein Stück Venedig. Romantik, der Mond spiegelt sich auch noch im Wasser. Wir umarmen uns vor Glück.

Stephan Möller

The first question Beethoven usually asked his friends after performances of his music was: "How were the tempi?"
But this is not Beethoven's tempo! Beethoven required the half note at 108 beats per minute! This is about 84! This is not the music Beethoven intended!

ingrid Schiffler

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Mit freundl. Gruß von ingrid Schiffler

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