Even the concert announcement is already a challenge. Joker?! A cinema villain that appears out of nowhere, a character which strikes you? An evil clown who makes you doubt common truths? And how does the Tenth symphony come in – didn’t Beethoven have just nine?

We invite you to look at the classical music from a different angle. Our Cello Joker is a musician changing the perspective, breaking the rules and presenting art with an unusual approach. Yes it’s a challenge – but doesn’t year 2020 give one challenge after another to humankind? In the world where due to pandemics, catastrophes and revolutions the established norms work no more, the time has come to change the view – including the point of view on classic art.  It is well known that the beauty will save the world – all we need is to see it.   

When Beethoven created his Grosse Fuge putting into it all his musical innovations, he was also breaking the rules of his time. The Grosse Fuge which in the opinion of many musical experts can rightfully be considered Beethoven’s Tenth symphony is the age of change embodied in music. Change is taking place around us right now, knocking us off our feet, which means that this is exactly the time for changing our perspective once again. The future belongs to those who are capable of that! Welcome to join!

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спасибо за фестиваль, столько музыки в разных залах, радость..


"Künstler ist ein Magier, ein großes Herz. Er holt das Schöne raus, sucht in Allem eine Friesche auf, stöbert umher, macht alles Naturkraft zu Eigen", - Marc Chagall.

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