Sergey Izmailov

Sergey Izmailov
Born on June 19, 1985 in Leningrad. From the age of 4 he began to show interest in music, because his older brother and sister have already studied at a music school. At the age of five he began studying piano. The choice of this instrument was influenced by the speech of S. Richter, which was broadcast on television and made a great impression on Sergei. From the age of 10 he began to participate in national and international competitions. In 1999, at the III International competition "virtuosos of the 21st century" in Moscow was awarded the title of Winner of the I prize. In the same year, after his performance in the hall of the State Academic Capella of St. Petersburg, was admitted to the choral school by the name of M. I. Glinka without exams. Director of this school S. Yu. Dzevanovsky highly appreciated the talent of Sergei and accepted him to his piano class. In the choral school he received a comprehensive musical education, including choral conducting, vocal and piano. In 2003 he continued his studies at the College. M. P. Mussorgsky in the class of teacher Sharkova E. M.. During the training, debuted with the first Concerto of P. I. Tchaikovsky in the Philharmonic hall of Petrozavodsk (Karelia) with the orchestra of the Petrozavodsk Philharmonic under O. Soldatov. In 2006 he won the Grand Prix at the international competition of young performers in Finland. At this moment, Sergey is active in organizational and musical activities as the principal conductor of the CREDO Symphony orchestra. Since 2017, as a guest pianist, he has participated in more than a hundred different programs of the Mariinsky theatre.